Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Retirement don't we all look forward to that??  Well as of four weeks ago I am retired after many, many years of working.  Much deserved don't you think?    Well okay?  What do I do now?

I know, I know we all say the same thing, I will travel, read more books, take naps in the afternoon, volunteer, clean out those closets, spend more time with my girlfriends, finish that art work I started two years ago, work in the garden, finish those projects I started around the house that I never have time for, cook more, go to the gym regularly---- I hear you-- cause we all think yes, yes that is what I will do.

Well, here I sit three weeks later frozen-- I have talked to some of my friends who have retired and they all say the same thing--  "this feeling will pass"  "I felt just like that"-  okay still waiting-- still waiting for the feeling of --- I am playing hooky from work and will get caught--  to pass.  

Now don't get me wrong I am not complaining-- okay maybe I am a little---  (in case you cannot tell I love dashes).

I did decide that my retirement money would not be enough for me to have very much spending money  - so my first thought was - "I will find a part-time job-  Yes that is what I will do".  Just two or three days a week for my "spend however I like money".    So thought process was-- I want to do something different-- SO  into my lap plops this job-- across the street from my house(the commute is brutal :-) -- okay it is not something that I have ever done before- so meets the first of my requirements for something different-- second requirement two or three days a week-- well they need me three days a week, okay second requirement met-- third requirement extra money for my spend however I like money(yes and above minimum wage)-- Yep meets that one also-- So I say with a smile- "yes" to the job!!  I am now a part time employee of a small community convenience store.  What we sell mostly are the essentials needed to live on Baffin Bay (which is where I live)--BAIT, BEER, CIGARETTES, AND GAS!!

So as usual first day jitters were in full swing as I am traversing the long commute - about a 2 minute walk across the street-  "will I be able to do this"  "can I really learn something new after doing the same thing for at least 25 years?"

As I making the journey back home on the afternoon of my first day at work-- my mind is saying "oh my goodness I am not so sure I can do this",  "I must be an idiot", "I will never be able to learn everything that I need to know",  and the big one  "I made so many mistakes today that there will be no need for me to show up on Thursday (my next day scheduled to work".  Not to mention the thought that had I told anyone that I had worked with today that my old job was typing important medical records for sick people in the hospital - they would have all laughed at me in disbelief.

But I go no phone calls telling me to not bother to show up on Thursday- so I was a little encouraged by that- and the ladies that I work with were all wonderful and tried to reassure me that "you did just fine"- we all have been there - don't worry- you will get it"  What a great bunch of ladies- thanks girls, but obviously at 64 1/2 you are untrainable!!

Well I am now three weeks out from my first day at work- still no phone call telling me not to come back- I have even been working alone for 2 1/2 weeks- opening and closing by myself- coming home proudly after a hard day at work smelling like bait and proud of it!!   Wahoo!!  I am retrainable!!

Thanks to you all for visiting my blog- check back as the saga of retirement really? what do I do now? continues.



  1. Love you - love the blog - love the dashes!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love the blog and the dashes!! I personally prefer the ... three dot system to highlight important points...
    I love ... you Sis!

  4. You so deserve retirement!!!! I see how you are "easing" into it. Your the best. We love you tons ma!!! Lisa

    1. Yes "easing in" that is exactly what I did. :-) - but am enjoying it!! Love you sweet daughter ! xoxox

  5. did it! Your own blog! :) It looks great, I enjoyed reading it, and I'm sure will be an inspiration to many. I will put up a link for you on my blog(s). This journaling will be of help I it was for me! Good luck with all you attempt. It's another adventure for you! :)

    1. thanks for the inspiration to do this my dear friend- you always inspire me !! I Love you xoxoxo

  6. And now you have this to keep you interested and occupied.

    All the very best to you and that guy you call a husband.

  7. Today you can stand with yourself....make a decision to do what ever you have been putting on the back burner. I faced early retirement...and making my Art has saved my life and taken me around the world! Sometimes standing still is essential for your journey. Feel free to stop post have helped me to relearn many things after having brain surgery and living with Lupus. I am sending you "permission slips" to be the child in your heart! Imagine and Live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

    1. Thanks for stopping by Mary Helen- I have been following your blog on my friend Yvonne's page

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. You have a warmth that is second to none and it captured my heart.
    I believe you are like a butterfly finding its wings again, a true free spirit who will embrace and enjoy every moment in this part of your life.
    I love you my Texan sister and always will.

    The blog is fun, something new and will surely go down well with others.

    1. thank you my dear sweet friend!! Love you much !! xoxoxox
