I have reinvented myself before-but in the beginning it is always a little scary for me or maybe unsettling is more the word!!
I had to totally figure out who I was at the age of 50-- At that time of my life I lost my identity or at least I thought I had- was no longer a wife (after many years), all of my children were grown and leaving home (yes like they are supposed to), I was quitting a job I had had for 12 years, and I was getting ready to make a move geographically (back to the city where I had grown up) alone. Yikes!!
And then, and then wonderful doors began to open -- My youngest son decided to move with me and go to college in the town where I was moving, my job offered me the opportunity to do exactly what I was doing for them in the office from my new home, and my family, my family stepped up and provided me with - well how do I put this- because help is not a big enough word-- provided me with a home of my own, money, a truck for the move, and themselves in person to help me load up, drive 400 miles, and unload into my new home!! First lesson I learned was the meaning grace. "Something I could never earn"
So how can I apply this first lesson learned 14 years ago to what I am going through today ? Hmmm- I have really been mulling this through in my mind as I was doing my cardio at the gym this morning-- how can I apply that lesson while adjusting to this change(you know the retirement thing)? Grace- Well once again- as I noted in my first post -- a part time job plopped in my lap( actually met all the requirements I had set in my mind as to what it should look like)-- hmm, my wonderful husband told me don't worry about money, and encourages me everyday and reminds me that " I can do this"-- hmm, my family tells me regularly how much they love me and how proud they are of me hmm- once again the lesson of grace "Something I could never earn"
So question to you-- where has grace shown up in your life!! Where have you been given something that you could never earn? Just curious?
Well today is a non-work day for me. Been to the gym for my 3 month evaluation to check for improvement- lost 12 pounds (whoo-hoo) this was not grace I think I earned this one and was given a rating of "superb" on my cardio fitness evaluation -- Goodness I have never been superb at anything- guess there is always a first time. But just like a second grader I brought this piece of paper home and stuck it straight to the refrigerator door! SUPERB !!
Tomorrow at my new JOB-- I open at 6- with a smile and new appreciation of how hard those ladies that wait on you at the convenience stores work-- Be sure and tell the next one that waits on you - Thank You!!
So maybe my next post will be about the second lesson that I learned when I had to reinvent myself in my next blog post -- or who knows something remarkably spectacular may happen and I may have to post about that - come back and see !!
Another wonderful and inspiring post Karen! You were made to blog! :) I look forward to more! :)